Discover how I can help you

There are a range of services that you can access simply by lodging a form online. If you are a constituent, discover how I as your local Member of Parliament can help you get what you need. See below for services I can help you with as well as links to important government websites, emergency contacts and other important community contacts.

Order a flag

Did you know that you can request a free Australian, NSW and Australian Aboriginal flags?

Request as an individual

Request as an organisation

Request a congratulatory message

I can help make that special milestone more memorable with a personal congratulatory message.

Please fill out and return with a copy of your marriage or birth certificate (depending on which congratulatory message you are requesting).

Click here to download

How government works

Learn about the different areas of government responsibility. Each level of government can help you with different issues. Learn more about the Federal, State and Local government areas of responsibility.

Government & After-Hours Services

For services such as Service NSW and after hours GP services, click here to find links and more information.

Emergency services

For important phone numbers to emergency services such as Police, Fire and Rescue, SES, and hospitals click here.


If you’re a constituent, let me know if there is an issue you would like me to raise with NSW Government.


Government & After Hours Services

Service NSW

Phone: 13 77 88

Services including:

  • Driver Licences
  • Registrations
  • Birth, Deaths & Marriages
  • Active Kids and Creative Kids Vouchers
  • Boating, Fishing Licences
  • Cost of Living Assessments
  • Fair Trading
  • COVID-19 Financial Assistance

After Hours GP Services

HEALTH DIRECT (After Hours GP Helpline)
1800 022 222

NATIONAL HOME DOCTOR (In Home After Hours Visits)
13 SICK (13 7425)

8724 6300

(Liverpool Area)
9600 9088

    Emergency Services

    Important Phone Numbers

    In life-threatening Emergencies
    DIAL 000 (Triple Zero)
    (Police, Fire, Ambulance)

    Police Assistance Line
    13 14 44

    For emergency help in floods, storms
    132 500
    Call – SES

    Bush fire information
    1800 679 737
    Call – NSW Rural Fire Service

    Roads and Maritime Services
    132 701
    24 hour traffic enquiry line

    Poisons Information Line
    131 126


    Floods – NSW SES

    Storms – NSW SES

    Tsunami – NSW SES

    Bush Fires – NSW Rural Fire Service

    Urban Fires – Fire & Rescue NSW

    Heatwaves, Earthquakes & other Disasters
    Australian Emergency
    Management Institute

    Live Traffic NSW

      Emergency Hospitals

      NEPEAN HOSPITAL (Public)
      Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747
      (02) 4734 2000
      (02) 4734 1880 (Emergency Department 24/7)

      18 Blacktown Road, Blacktown NSW 2148
      (02) 9881 8000
      (02) 9881 8215 (Emergency Department 24/7)

      Cnr Polding Street and Prairievale Road, Prairiewood NSW 2176
      (02) 9616 8111
      (Emergency Department 24/7)

      Cnr Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets, Liverpool NSW 2170
      (02) 8738 3000
      (Emergency Department 24/7 via 75 Elizabeth Street, Liverpool)

        24-Hour Help Lines

        NSW 24-Hour Mental Health Access Line
        1800 011 511

        13 11 14
        (24-hour confidential telephone counselling experiencing personal crisis)      

        Beyond Blue
        1300 22 4636
        (24-hour information, advice and referral line as well as online support)        

        Kids Helpline
        1800 551 800
        (24-hour confidential, telephone and online counselling services, specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25)

        Mens Line Australia
        1300 789 978
        (24-hour telephone and online support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems)

        1800 242 636
        (24-hour short-time counselling, emotional, and psychological support service for carers and their families)


          Areas of Government Responsibility

          Your Federal Member deals with

          Aged Care, Aviation and Shipping, Centrelink, Child Support, Defence, Foreign Affairs, Higher (Tertiary) Education, Immigration, Industrial Relations, Medicare, National Highways, Taxation, Telecommunications, Trade, Veterans’ Affairs

          Your State Member deals with

          Ageing and Disability, Dental, Education, Emergency Services, Fair Trading, Family and Community Services, Health, Land and Water Management, Local Government, National Parks, Police, Primary Industries, Public Hospitals, Public Transport, Public Works, State Roads, Social Housing

          Your Local Council deals with

          Animal Control, Building Regulations (Residential and Commercial Development), Community and Cultural Services, Council by-laws, Footpaths, Libraries, Local/Suburban Roads, Parks, Public Sporting Ground and Facilities, Rates, Rubbish and Waste Collections, Signage, Street Lighting

          Congratulatory Messages

          I can help make that special milestone more memorable with a personal congratulatory message.

          Contact the Badgerys Creek Electoral Office to arrange messages from: 

          THE KING AND GOVERNOR-GENERAL for Diamond (60th), Blue Sapphire (65th) and Platinum (70th) wedding anniversaries and every year after. His Majesty and the Governor-General can also send messages for 100th, 105th birthdays and every year after. 

          THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL can also send a message to Australians celebrating their Golden (50th) wedding anniversaries.

          THE GOVERNOR OF NEW SOUTH WALES for Golden (50th) wedding anniversaries and every fifth year after. Also for 90th birthdays and every fifth year after.

          THE PRIME MINISTER for Golden (50th) wedding anniversaries and every year after. Also for 90th birthdays and every year after.

          TANYA DAVIES MP, THE PREMIER, THE SPEAKER AND YOUR FEDERAL MP for Golden (50th) wedding anniversaries and every year after. Also for 80th, 90th and 100th birthdays and every year after.

          For missed milestones please request congratulatory messages for the next anniversary or birthday.

            Flag Requests and King Portraits

            All flag requests require a form to be completed, see attached Constituent Flag Request and Organisation Flag Request forms.

            King Portraits requests to be emailed to office with details of name and address.

              Make your voice heard

              Do you have an issue where I may be able to help?
              Do you have something to say and want your voice heard?

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