Parents are set to receive cost relief on their preschool fees with savings of up to $4,220 a year, thanks to a landmark investment from the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government.

For the first time, parents whose children attend preschool programs at Long Day Care settings will enjoy subsidised fees, following the introduction of the new $1.3 billion Start Strong Affordable Preschool Program.

Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies said the Liberal and Nationals Government are working to ease the cost-of-living pressure for families in Western Sydney and across NSW. The Start Strong Affordable Preschool Program will ensure more children receive high quality early education.

“Research has shown that preschool is where the building blocks for lifelong success are established. It is vital that we can support families in accessing quality early childhood education,” Mrs Davies said.

“This investment shows that the Liberal and Nationals in Government are committed to ensuring families across Western Sydney and the state have brighter futures and less pressure on wallets.”

Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said families can now save up to $4,220 per year depending on where their child attends preschool.

“This government is investing in the futures of our children at a level never seen before and in a way that also helps parents with the household budget,” Ms Mitchell said.

From this month, all NSW families will be eligible for:

· up to $4,220 per year in fee relief for 3, 4 and 5-year-olds attending a community or mobile preschool,
· up to $2,110 per year in fee relief for 4 and 5-year-olds attending preschool in a long day care setting on top of their Child Care Subsidy payment, and
· the equivalent of 5 days a fortnight of affordable preschool fee relief for all children in Department of Education preschools.

To access the Start Strong 2023 preschool fee relief, parents are encouraged to speak to their service today. Families enrolled in a community preschool or long day care service must complete a declaration form and nominate one service from which they would like to receive the fee relief.

The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is investing more than $15.9 billion in early childhood commitments announced as part of the 2022-23 budget to deliver a brighter future for every child in NSW.

Through the introduction of a universal pre-Kindergarten year, the Brighter Beginnings initiatives, a workforce package for early childhood educators and the Affordable Preschool fee relief, the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is ensuring NSW is the best state to live, work and raise a family.

You can find out more about the Early Years Commitment by visiting