In an urgent call to action Member for Badgerys Creek Tanya Davies has called on Labor Member for Leppington Nathan Haggerty to join her in the fight to save the funding for the safety upgrade of Elizabeth Drive at Kemps Creek. This critical project is located where the Badgerys Creek and Leppington electorates meet. Elizabeth Drive will become an increasingly important arterial road as the new Western Sydney International Airport grows closer to opening.

“The previous Liberal Government recognised the urgency of Elizabeth Road upgrade and budgeted funds through the WestInvest initiative. The proposed upgrade focuses on a critical section of Elizabeth Drive from Devonshire Road to Western Road in Kemps Creek,” Mrs Davies said.

“For too long, the residents of both electorates have often experienced or witnessed accidents and fatalities on this specific stretch of Elizabeth Drive. It’s a grim reminder to its urgent need for upgrade.”

“With the opening of the Western Sydney International Airport scheduled for 2026 and the continued development of the surrounding Aerotropolis, Elizabeth Drive is projected to experience an unprecedented surge in traffic. If the NSW Labor Government is planning to cancel this upgrade, it demonstrates that they have taken the votes of Western Sydney but are now failing to return the support back to Western Sydney.”

“To the Member for Leppington: The lives and safety of our constituents are paramount. I implore you to join me in standing firm against any potential withdrawal of funding. Together, let’s prioritise safety and progress for our community.”