The detailed design of the Mamre Road upgrade between the M4 Motorway and Erskine Park Road at St Clair has begun following feedback from the community.
Member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies said that factors such as operational traffic, noise mitigation, vegetation impacts and construction concerns were considered in the Review of Environmental Factors report on the proposed 3.8 kilometer upgrade, following public display of the plan in August and September last year.
“Following strong community feedback, I am pleased to see that modifications have been made to the plan,” Mrs Davies said.
“The plan has been modified so that there is a better shared path for residents, improvements to the Banks Drive intersection with an additional through lane each way and better turning facilities.
“Mamre Road is an important transport corridor in the Western Parkland City and is a critical connection between the Western Sydney Employment Area and the future Western Sydney Aerotropolis. Delivering this project is a priority for me as the local member, and for the NSW Government.
“These improvements to the Mamre Road upgrade design, as a result of consultation with the community, will improve road safety and ensure better travel times so that commuters can get home to their families sooner and safer.”
Longer term planning will also see the area served by the Western Sydney Freight line with connectivity through to Port Botany and an intermodal facility.
Over $200 million will be invested over the next three years to deliver the upgrade including $24 million allocated in the most recent State Budget, with work set to commence next year.
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