The 2022-23 NSW Budget has provided an enormous boost for the Mulgoa community. The Budget is committed to delivering a brighter future for families,
supporting family budgets and continuing our record infrastructure investment. The NSW Budget is delivering investments with a strong focus on cost of living relief, empowering women and building strong foundations for children to have the best start to life.
Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies, today welcomed the NSW Budget’s blueprint for reform to create opportunity and help our communities prosper. “This Budget prioritises the support of families. I welcome the critical investments that have been made and I look forward to the brighter future it will deliver for families in my electorate,” Mrs Davies said.
“With enormous investments being made in unlocking the economy for women through expanding childcare and making preschool more affordable this Budget sets up NSW
for a bright and more prosperous future.”
“From upgrades to our most important roads such as Mulgoa Road and Mamre Road to investing in our children’s future as well as initiatives that help get women into the workforce and bolstering the State’s economy, this Budget shows that the NSW Liberals and Nationals Government can be trusted to keep NSW on the right track and deliver on our promises.”
“I am especially pleased with commitments being made for our children’s future, especially in Mulgoa where the budget allocates over $18 million for the continued construction of the Mulgoa Rise Public School.”
The NSW Budget will also deliver cost of living relief for families. Over $500 million is being allocated to ensure that families can see relief when they use toll roads and over $190 million will be dedicated to a Back to School Subsidy to help families cover the cost of school supplies.
Key investments being made in the Mulgoa electorate include:
- $6.3 million to commence the upgrades at Cecil Hills High School.
- $18.7 million to continue construction of the new public school in Mulgoa Rise.
- $24 million to complete the planning and commence construction to widen and upgrade Mamre Road between the M4 Motorway and Erskine Park Road.
- $7.1 million to continue the design for the upgrade of The Horsley Drive between the M7 Motorway and Cowpasture Road.
Highlights from the 2022-23 NSW Budget:
- $520 million over two years to deliver the new broad-based Toll Rebate Scheme
- $5.8 billion over ten years to introduce universal pre-kindergarten
- $1.4 billion over four years to make preschool more affordable
- $5 billion over ten years to expand access to high quality affordable childcare
- $128 million energy bill buster program
- $5 billion over ten years to establish the Affordable and Accessible Childcare and Economic Participation Fund
- $1.3 billion for the Brighter Beginnings Affordable Preschool initiative to provide fee relief for families
- $82.7 million to support a further 70,000 students to access apprenticeships, traineeships and other high-priority training
- $780.4 million for a two-year trialled shared equity scheme for 6,000 eligible single parents, older singles and first home buyers who are teachers, nurses
and police - $728.6 million to introduce an option for first home buyers purchasing a home of up to $1.5 million to pay an annual property tax instead of upfront stamp-duty
- $205.6 million in 2022-23 towards the M12 motorway construction
- $5 billion for the WestInvest Program to support high-priority community projects, grants to community groups, non-for-profits and non-government organisations.
- $32 million in grants to support women to return to work
For more information about the 2022-23 Budget, please visit