An important milestone has been reached with the tender process getting underway for the first stage of the Mamre Road upgrade.

Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies said every driver in the region would benefit from the upgrade to a 3.8 kilometre stretch of Mamre Road between the M4 Motorway, St Clair and Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park.

“Mamre Road is a key transport corridor, which provides connections to the Western Sydney Employment Area and the proposed Western Sydney Aerotropolis,” Mrs Davies said.

“This is a rigorous and detailed process to ensure we get the right organisation to carry out the work, because this stretch of Mamre Road will be important to professional drivers, commuters and anyone else trying to get from A to B.

“Since the Review of Environmental Factors was determined in July 2022, the focus has been on the concept design for the project and now we’re ready to move forward.”

Transport for NSW is now seeking registrations of interest from potential applicants. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to work with Transport for NSW before a preferred tender is chosen later this year.

The NSW Government has committed $248 million to Mamre Road upgrade between the M4 Motorway and Erskine Park Road. Construction work is expected to commence in 2024.

Investigative works are also underway for an upgrade of Mamre Road south of this section, between Erskine Park Road and Kerrs Road, Kemps Creek.

For more information about the project, go to