Plans finalised and certainty restored for Western Sydney

The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP) has been finalised and residents affected by this Plan can finally have certainty now that a vision has been laid out for Western Sydney, carefully balancing the environment with the delivery of new housing, jobs, and infrastructure.

Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies said that residents can now look forward to a degree of certainty with regards to the impact that this Plan will have on their properties.

“I welcome the plan being finalised as this is an issue that has had a significant impact on my community. Now that it has been released, we have clarify on what impact, if any, the Plan will have on the properties,” Mrs Davies said.

“The Plan had to carefully balance the interests of both residents and the environment.  This has not been an easy or simple process. There have been many factors to consider when developing this Plan.”

“I want to thank the Minister for Planning Anthony Roberts for releasing the final Plan, a first-of-its-kind Plan that protects important biodiversity and koala populations, while supporting more than 73,000 new homes in Western Sydney.”

There are information sessions about the CPCP and what it means for land owners. For more information about these sessions, please visit…

If you are a landholder, you can contact a planner at or call 02 9585 6060 between 9:30am – 4:30pm weekdays.

For translating and interpreting service: Please telephone 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language to connect you to 1300 420 596. When connected to 1300 420 596 please ask to speak to the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan team.