Tanya Davies MP, Member for Badgerys Creek, has criticised the NSW Labor Government for their extraordinary delays in committing funding to ensure the connectivity of the road network surrounding the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.
“My community and I have been loud and persistent in our demands for the appropriate infrastructure to meet the opportunities of the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis. Only now does Labor see fit to announce funding, let alone complete the projects,” stated Mrs Davies.
Mrs Davies questioned the timing of the announcement and suggested the community was paying the price for Labor’s political games. She stated, “For Labor to delay the timing of the funding for crucial projects at convenient points in the electoral cycles has disastrous effects for the community. These projects should be well underway and past the point of funding announcements, media releases and photo opportunities,” Mrs Davies stated.
Mrs Davies reaffirmed her commitment to fighting to see infrastructure is in place prior to the opening of the airport. “I’ll continue to be vocal and hold Labor to account to make up their lost ground and that we have these projects completed in time, with no compromise on quality,” concluded Mrs Davies.