Tanya Davies MP, Member for Badgerys Creek is pleased to report that the Mamre Road Stage 1 project is moving ahead with Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd being announced as the contractor for this stage of the major upgrade between the M4 Motorway at St Clair and Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park.
“Stage 1 will see 3.8 kilometres of Mamre Road widened to a four-lane divided road with six intersection upgrades that will ease congestion along this key transport corridor,” Mrs Davies said.
“The project will also enhance safety and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists with a dedicated shared pathway.”
Mr Paul Tarlinton, President of the St Clair Men’s Shed said “Not having to turn right across a busy road will make it much safer for the men attending our shed and our visitors. Tanya has supported us from the beginning and continues to support us.”
The former NSW Liberal Government committed $248 million to upgrade Mamre Rd between the M4 Motorway and Erskine Park Road.
Mrs Davies said she has been a relentless advocate for this upgrade which will benefit the local community now and into the future by reducing travel times and improving road safety.
“I look forward to seeing construction on this critical project commence later this year,” added Mrs Davies.
Features of Stage 1 Include:
- A wide central median, allowing for six lanes in the future, if required
- Changes to intersections with Mamre Road including:
- An upgrade to the existing signalised intersection at Banks Drive including a new western stub for access and a U-turn facility
- A new signalised intersection at Solander Drive with a new western stub for access and a U-turn facility
- A new signalised intersection at Luddenham Road with new turning lanes
- An upgrade to the existing signalised intersection at Erskine Park Road with new turning lanes
- Modified intersection arrangements (left in, left out only) at McIntyre Avenue and Mandalong Close, St Clair
- A new shared path along the eastern side of Mamre Road, with provision for a future shared path on the western side
- Reinstatement of bus stops near Banks Drive with provision for additional bus infrastructure in the future
- Changes to property access at Mamre House, Erskine Park Rural Fire Service and other private properties
- Drainage and flooding infrastructure upgrades
- New traffic signals and relocation of existing electronic signage
- New roadside furniture and street lighting
- Noise walls along the eastern side of Mamre Road, St Clair
Additional details on the upgrade may be found at: https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/mamre-road-upgrade-between-m4-motorway-st-clair-and-erskine-park-road