Construction has kicked-off on Australia’s newest city, Bradfield City Centre, a visionary undertaking that will create more than 17,000 jobs and accelerate a wave of new advanced manufacturing, research and innovation in Western Sydney.

Work is underway on the first building, a 3,840 square metre multi-purpose building that will house office, exhibition and event spaces, Hitachi’s Kyoso Creation Centre and the first stage of a new Advanced Manufacturing and Research Facility.

Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies said the 114-hectare Bradfield City Centre development is backed by a $1 billion investment from the NSW Government and will unlock a further $10 billion in private investment.

“Quite often, people claim to be from Western Sydney when they’re not. They do it because they are absolutely in awe of the exciting future that Western Sydney has. Today marks the start of construction on Bradfield city centre, which is the most exciting and ambitious project in the country,” Mrs Davies said.

“This first building will be a hub for job-creating industries and include the first stage of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility.”

“The project has been given State Significant Development Approval and will deliver 150 jobs during construction, and 60 new operational jobs once up and running.”

Taylor Construction Group had been awarded the construction tender to build the first building.

The Bradfield City Centre will grow and evolve in coming decades to become a major hub for jobs in Western Sydney, generating enormous economic benefit for the NSW economy.

The new high-tech city will be located close to new airport and Western Sydney residents will soon see these empty paddocks grow into a thriving city centre with world-class transport infrastructure.

Bradfield City Centre is being designed for the future with inbuilt digital capabilities, smart technology and targeting net-zero emissions.

Bradfield’s first building is expected to be complete in late 2023.